Having a bit of a 'blergh' sort of week this week - another phone photo today 'cos I wasn't feelin' it this morning when I left for work and then the sun came out just in time for lunch and I didn't have my camera :(
When I got down to the seawall - someone (or maybe the tide) had pinched my seat! There was a big block of polystyrene just here where I could hunker down out of the wind but also, being slightly disadvantaged in the height department - I was using it as a step to get back up. So now I can get down to the sea but can't get back so this shot is me, contemplating whether to risk dropping down there! I know it doesn't look much from this shot but it's about 18 inches/45cms and although I can scramble back up in my jeans, I can't do it in my normal office wear LOL
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