Friday, 14 November 2008

Day 65 - Easel

I've managed to borrow an easel for part of my craft fair table display :) Looks good with one of my framed prints on it. Please ignore the 70's tiled coffee table - it's usually covered with junk so I never notice it! LOL

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Day 64 - Dunnock a.k.a small brown birdie

I've been seeing this little brown bird at the end of my garden for a couple of weeks now and just assumed it was a wren. Finally caught it on camera and am reliably informed by hubby that it is a dunnock - also called a hedge sparrow. Not a great picture - long lens through glass but the only one anywhere near to being in focus - I'm obviously too shaky for a long lens at 7.30am!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Day 63 - Bags Galore!

Not sure if I've mentioned that I'm doing my first craft fair soon - well, I am and I realised I would need some bags. Hubby said 'I know a guy' and as his prices were very reasonable, I went for them. Unfortunately, I didn't quite think it through properly - 3 sizes, OK, minimum order 1000 bags! not so OK but still cheaper than buying smaller quantities elsewhere. End result - 2500 bags in my living room! LOL

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Day 62 - Autumn Gold

Early-ish morning sun shining through the few remaining leaves.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Day 61 - Weird, Pretty Thing

This one didn't come out of the box but my Sis-in-law was going to throw it away so I grabbed it in case it would work well as a macro. Not sure it's a great photo but I like the colours :)

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Day 60 - Wasp Nest

Having been out for lunch today, it was a bit of a last minute rush to shoot something so I headed for my box. What box is that? Well, it was supposed to be a prop box but it's rapidly turning into the 'weird things to photograph one day' box! So here is todays' weird thing - a fairly mucky old bit of wasp nest. Great patterns and so regular too - isn't nature amazing?

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Day 59 - Fireworks

Having been ill all week, we didn't make it to a proper firework display this year so hubs bought a few bits and we did our own little bit of noise making! These are the only 2 shots I got 'cos 102 pops/bangs/whizzes in about 20 seconds doesn't make for much practise time! LOL

Friday, 7 November 2008

Day 58 - Next Project

Next project is to try some of those smoke pictures - not this weekend though - I don't think burning incense is a good idea with both of us recovering from a nasty cough!

Thursday, 6 November 2008

day 57 - Collared Dove

Caught this little fella stuffing his face so grabbed my camera, swapped lenses and crept back into the kitchen to shoot him before he flew away. I needn't have rushed, he was either very, very hungry or making sure none of the other birds were going to have any of his seeds because he stayed until he had almost cleared the bird table!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Day 56 - More Illness

Back is much better today but woke up with a nasty cough and cold :( Not my week really!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Day 55 - Autumn Leaf

Not feeling very inspired at the moment - put my back out so can't spend too long either standing or sitting - just have to keep moving

Monday, 3 November 2008

day 54 - Painkillers Rule!

I pulled my back again yesterday evening - I'm just about mobile but still stiff and sore now. Been guzzling these today just to be able to keep moving and not to 'set'!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

day 53 - More Roses

Couldn't resist these little blighters again - this is almost the shot I wanted from the last lot - not quite but almost :) Used the light tent again but with a coloured background for a change.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Day 52 - Weird Rainbow Cloud!

Just a weird cloud/rainbow effect as the sun came out from behind some rain clouds for about 10 minutes!